In addition to my writing about druidry, tarot, folklore, and more for Fantasy Afield, I’m also an epic fantasy novelist of the Age of Azuria series.
Age of Azuria tells the story of Azuria, a world of epic fantasy, magic, and nature that teeters on the brink between light and darkness. Ancient forces awaken, and new heroes rise to the occasion. But this time, who will prevail?
Find out in this exciting, action- and magic-packed series featuring druids, pirates, fae, werewolves, and more!
Age of Azuria epic fantasy series
Aurora—the prequel novella
The story of how it all began…
Dorric Themear has experienced the giddy flutterings of new love before. But not like this. Behind the sapphire eyes of Lady Emelyee Amastacia lies a long-awaited destiny that neither of them can sense or stop.
However, forces darker than Emelyee’s husband are prepared to stand in their way.
Ridel, one of Lucien’s most trusted servants, is less than enthused about her assignment to watch the lovers. If only her master had been visionary enough to see that a child cannot result if the parents are dead. She’ll do her best to comply with his orders to watch and to wait—at least for now.
High in the Frostmaw Mountains, Yvayne has seen the signs of a turning of the age before. Perhaps this time, with the proper intervention, she and the druids can make a play for Azuria after all.
For a limited time, join the Story Enclave and read Aurora for free!
Buried Heroes—book one
You were right, your father’s amulet is magical. Just not in the way you thought.
The stones echo as Iellieth Amastacia drags her heels through the corridors of Io Keep, bidding farewell to the few inside the castle walls who have offered her moments of happiness. Despite her best efforts, Iellieth can no longer resist the forced marriage her stepfather placed at the end of her path. A final transmigration stands between her and the slammed door.
But destiny—and the amulet—have other plans for the half-elf.
In a flash of light, Iellieth appears amidst the piled snow and howling winds of Torg’s Peak. The mountain’s bitter heart holds an ancient secret—a warrior, imprisoned long ago. Iellieth alone can awaken him, but in so doing, she will reignite a war for the fate of Azuria.
Across the Infinite Ocean, a pirate queen ravages the coast, searching for an ancient artifact, the key to her ambitions. The sea bids caution to Teodric, her newest captain, lest he fall to the admiral’s raging whims as so many have done before.
Further north, a druid conclave battles its patron city for survival. As wielders of natural magic, they have long been the victims of history. Genevieve flees to the depths of the forest, where a long-lost magic blossoms.
Forces awaken across the world of Azuria, ancient enmities stirring that have remained stagnant for thousands of years. In book one of the Age of Azuria, Iellieth, Teodric, and Genevieve must confront the first crashing wave in a rising tide of shadow.
Purchase Buried Heroes direct from the author today!
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*You actually have two wonderful options here for what you want to read next! If you’d like to go back in time and find out more about Iellieth, Teodric, and Katarina, then Song of Parting is for you! Or, if you’re ready to dive into the next part of the story, it’s time for Hadvarian Heist!
Hadvarian Heist—book two
The lives of your friends are bound to your own — can you do what it takes to free them and ensure the survival of your world?
A dark shadow looms over Caldara as Iellieth Amastacia and her companions travel north. Hidden within the elegant marble halls of the Hadvarian Court, an ancient artifact waits to be discovered, but haunting spectres of the past guard the prize.
Deep in the Shadowlands, Lucien plots to capture Iellieth and extinguish any resistance to Alessandra before the flame spreads. Across Azuria, foul forces await his bidding, ready to deliver the druid into his hands. Unfortunately for Lucien’s pack of werewolves, Briseras Ravisthinia delights in making them her prey. With the help of an over-eager folklorist and a driven, if mysterious, witch, Briseras intends to destroy not only the werewolves, but also the more sinister creature who lurks just beyond her grasp.
On the opposite side of the world, Genevieve Vendanges stalks after the man who bears her conclave’s sacred dagger. Aboard the Amber Queen, she has a chance to uncover what he knows about the destruction of her conclave and all she held dear. But the passenger holds secrets for other crew members as well, namely the ship’s captain, Teodric Adhemar. What guarded information from Teodric’s past might emerge to interrupt his return to the powerful Admiral Syleste?
Even further west, foreboding visions drive Persephonie Arelle to the ancient walls of Andel-ce Hevra. To protect her mother, she must confront hostile guards hunting practitioners of natural magic and subvert the dangerous machinations of Aylin, her mother’s partner. But Persephonie does not fight alone. A mischievous fox and handsome captain of the guard stand ready to help her combat the clashing urban forces. Will it be enough?
In book two of the Age of Azuria high fantasy series, Iellieth, Briseras, Teodric, Genevieve, and Persephonie must summon the strength to withstand the pull of the darkness surrounding them, a tide whose time, whose destruction, has finally come.
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Song of Parting—prequel novella
Among the many truths they hold close to heart, story-weavers know: Across all eras, Love and Loss rest on either side of the turning wheel of fate.
Azurian legends tell such a story, of love found and lost in the early days of the worlds. Katarina Starsend, a story-hunter and scholar, dedicates her life to tracking down these tales and finding their new iterations in the world. She’s in luck. A legendary fae has been reborn—and her incarnation is only a day’s ride away.
Within the walls of Io Keep, a storm gathers as the callous Duke Amastacia sets his plans in motion. Soon enough, he’ll be rid of his stepdaughter, Iellieth Amastacia. Seeing what lies ahead, Teodric Adhemar faces a choice—does he warn Iellieth or allow her to hold tight her illusion of freedom?
And can Iellieth out-plot the duke?
Find out in this prequel novella perfect for current fans and new readers of the Age of Azuria high fantasy series!
Song of Parting is available now!
Purchase direct from the author!
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Curious about Persephonie’s storyline between the end of Buried Heroes and where we find her in Hadvarian Heist? Interested in the saudad and the lore of Azuria? Story Magic is the perfect novella for you! (I do suggest waiting to read it until after you’ve finish Hadvarian Heist)
Story Magic—An Age of Azuria Novella
Cassandra, the goddess of fate, has often gifted her Chosen with prophetic visions, tellings of what is, was, and could yet be.Each Chosen must chart their own course through these tales, slowly coming to understand the narrative behind their Sight, what is for them to interpret and what is merely for them to See.
The goddess of fate keeps her own counsel. She alone can tell why some, by their innate nature, change the weave of fate, while others simply follow the course of their own thread.
But those of us who chart signs such as these have found a single strand running through the disparate patterns of the fate-weave—above all others, Cassandra chooses storytellers. It is they she favors with the ability to See. And among the saudad, people of story and legend, when one of their own takes the threads of fate into their hands, there is no telling what new narrative they may weave.
Inside these pages, those who seek Sight will find story, and those who seek story, Sight. This is the way it ever has been and ever will be.
Persephonie Arelle is not yet a Chosen of Cassandra, and the story of her becoming so may not ever come to be. However, I think you will agree with me in this—her story is much more than that of one who can See.