Join the Circle of Story and find your adventure with Fantasy Afield!
Here, we bring together fantasy and folklore and we celebrate the beauty and magic of the everyday. Here, we search for and embrace adventure.
This site started out of a love for stories and a belief in their power.
And one of the delightful side-effects of living in the time we do is that we have more storytelling forms open and available for fantasy storytelling!
You may already know, having arrived here, that I write duet D&D adventures and fantasy fiction. Or this might be entirely new to you!
Either way, and however you’ve found your way here, welcome! I’m so excited to have you as part of the Circle of Story!
Or keep reading below to learn more!
What is the Circle of Story?
Those familiar with druids in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons will recognize “circle” as the designation of the different druid subclasses. There’s Circle of the Moon, Dreams, the Shepherd. (I’ve even written two druid circle subclasses myself!)
What I love about this idea of a circle is that it connotes community, gathering, belonging.
This circle brings together storytellers and story-lovers. So whether you’re interested in duet D&D, fantasy worldbuilding, epic fantasy novels, the magic of nature, or something related to these themes, I hope you find a sense of community and shared passion.
In more practical terms, the Circle of Story is a community of people who have opted in to receiving bi-weekly updates from me (Beth Ball) about fantasy, magic, nature, and stories! (In short, fantasy and folklore!)
The Circle of Story Library
The Circle of Story also brings with it exclusive stories and adventures that you can’t find anywhere else!
Two of the stories and the adventure take place in the fantasy world of Azuria. And the other short story occurs in Eldura, the predecessor world to Azuria.
You can read more about the history of Azuria and Eldura here.
As a member of the Circle of Story, you’ll receive the following titles from our library:
“Blood Wolf Moon”: An Age of Azuria Story
How many hunters does it take to catch a vampire?
For those who roam the wilds of Tor’stre Vahn, the answer, of course, entirely depends upon both the hunters and the vampire in question.
But what about a vampire who leaves behind a trail on purpose? How many blood-filled footsteps would it take for you to find him? And how far would you be willing to go once you did?
Briseras Ravisthinia is ready to answer fate’s call and questions. One huntress and her wolf. No more victims. And however far it takes.
Each stride takes her closer to her destiny. Shadows flicker behind her heels. Briseras would be the first to tell you: There is no life outside the hunt. But here, death hovers all around.
Click here to get your copy of “Blood Wolf Moon”
“The Gathering Dark”: A Feather & Flame Story
“Unity is weakness, Tali Silversword. Remember that, until we meet again.”
The city of Sanctuary wavers beneath the onslaught of Alessandra’s forces. Trained soldiers of the Luz lay slaughtered in droves, burned by dragon’s fire.
A lone Champion of Light, Tali Silversword, defends the castle ramparts from the dragon’s flames.
If only the light she wielded harmed rather than strengthened her foe.
But such a fate was not to be.
Click here to get your copy of “The Gathering Dark”
“The Penshaw Poisonings”: A Duet 5e Adventure

The town of Penshaw has an increasingly serious zombie problem and needs your help!
Your PC can investigate zombie poisonings, seek out a dryad, try to persuade a satyr, and so much more in this fun duet adventure!
Click here to get your copy of “The Penshaw Poisonings”
“The Shadow’s Embrace”: An Age of Azuria Story

This delightful story takes—more or less—after Hadvarian Heist, book two in the Age of Azuria epic fantasy series. To avoid spoilers, I’m going to skip adding a description here and just say that it’s a really fun addition to the series that you won’t want to miss!
If you would like to go ahead and get your copy of “The Shadow’s Embrace,” click here.
Join Us!
I hope this has whetted your appetite to come and join us in the Circle of Story! We can’t wait to adventure with you in Azuria and Eldura!
And if, after joining, you decide that you want to take a step deeper into the Circle, check out the Story Conclave!
Named for the druid communities in Beth’s fantasy fiction, the Story Conclave is our special community of supporters on Patreon. Gain access to exclusive posts, early access content, a special ebook, and more for as little as a coffee a month!
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