The Tree of Silver Part Two (adapted from our duet D&D game)
Welcome, friends, to the introduction to the campaign diary for The Tree of Silver! In what follows, you’ll embark on an adventure beside our courageous heroes as they explore magical realms in our weekly duet D&D game!
There are a few hopes behind these summaries, as is the case for most creative projects. In this case, one of the most prominent hopes is that you’ll get a taste of what’s possible in one-on-one D&D and find inspiration for your own games!
If you choose to adventure in Eldura and/or Azuria, I also hope you’ll find some enticing worldbuilding details and in-game mechanics that you can incorporate at your home table!
This ongoing series will mix together a campaign diary and serialized fantasy fiction.
FAQs before we get started
These might more accurately be called “likely questions you’ll have,” but we’ll adapt “FAQ” to our purposes!
Where is part one of The Tree of Silver?
An excellent question to start us off! Part one is also in process, and members of the Story Conclave (on Patreon) at the Dryad tier and higher can follow along with its creation here on Fantasy Afield. (You can read the introduction here!)
There’s a lot of backstory that has come into play in this campaign. I didn’t think I could recount all of it quickly enough to share it with you before our story advanced even further! Our intrepid adventurers just finished a huge story arc, and this seemed like the perfect place to rope you in!
What changes have you made from your gaming table?
Another wonderful question! If you watched our Waterdeep stream, you saw Persephonie and Jekk at the beginning of their adventures with just the two of them. (We had three party members before that.)
If you’re familiar with my fiction, then you already know Persephonie Arelle as one of the characters in Age of Azuria, and she doesn’t adventure with someone named Jekk.
Long-ish story short, our D&D campaign serves as a constant source of inspiration for me and my fiction. Playing one-on-one, for me, is a fantastic way to get to know my characters. I especially think it helps me figure out what they would do in specific situations and why. It also allows me to get to know and practice their voice. I love that each of my protagonists has been spoken into being with their own unique voices and mannerisms!
A few renamings for ease
To avoid confusion, I’ve changed the character names in The Tree of Silver from the names we use at the table. Persephonie in the novels is distinct from Persephonie in our game, but while that difference is clear to me, I wasn’t sure that it would be to others, and this seemed like the easiest and most straightforward solution.
Another change you’ll find is in the place names. We use a mix of homebrew and published settings at our table, and sometimes it’s easiest to use the names and geography of places created by others and then add our own details onto them. Our characters’ adventures started on the Sword Coast. We move back and forth between there and Eldura, the prime plane of Verdigris’s world tree. However, I’ve set the entirety of this series in Eldura.
You may know the later iteration of this world, Azuria from our adventures or fiction. Click here to learn more about the history of Azuria and Eldura.
The Next Step in your Journey
Click the button below to continue your journey toward the Tree of Silver with the story background for Son of Dragons!
Closing Thoughts
I hope that you enjoy the story! We’re really excited about the possibilities of bringing together a campaign diary and fantasy serial.
May Cassandra’s eye be upon you and may your feet find their way upon the weave.
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